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EJ and Natural Disasters Webinar: Protecting Our Communities: Tools and Resources for Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response

Meteorologists and weather forecasters predict an extremely active Atlantic hurricane season, along with more intense heat waves and increased chances of wildfires this summer. The risk of catastrophic damages caused by these events in communities with environmental justice concerns continues to increase; thus, the need to help communities better prepare for, respond to, and recover from these climate-related natural disasters is more important than ever. In this webinar, speakers will share information, tools, and resources available to help communities better address disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
Disaster Preparedness and Response 07/29/2024
Disaster Act Supplemental Funding Region 2 Briefing

Nine WTP awardees received supplemental funding from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 to deliver health and safety training to U.S. populations impacted by major disasters declared in 2022. Awardees are using targeted strategies to reach and train workers, day laborers, and volunteers in disaster-impacted areas, especially those in vulnerable or marginalized communities. This one-hour virtual briefing is an opportunity for federal and local partners in Puerto Rico to learn about the grant funding and the work going on in local communities.
Disaster Preparedness and Response 01/25/2024
Evaluation Community of Practice: Disaster Training Evaluation

WTP hosted an Evaluation Community of Practice call with several grant recipients in December 2023. During this call, WTP leadership and representatives from three different grant recipient organizations discussed the WTP logic model and disaster common metrics; various ways to deliver evaluation and their successes and barriers; disaster evaluation tools; and how the WTP Data Management System can be modified for data collection specific to disasters. The call resulted in a simplified disaster logic model that more clearly defines inputs and objectives of disaster preparedness and response training.
Training Evaluation 12/14/2023
Commit to C.A.R.E. (Community, Awareness, Responsibility, Equity)

In this webinar, panelists will share details about Commit to C.A.R.E. and how organizations, including small to medium size businesses, can use available tools and resources to enhance workers’ awareness to reduce infectious disease risk in the workplace.
Infectious Diseases 10/03/2023
Urban Flooding and the Health Risks to Recovery Workers

The NIEHS National Clearinghouse for Worker Safety and Health Training explored the unique features of the urban environment and its potential to impact the health of workers, including residents, performing recovery activities following urban flooding.
Hurricanes and Floods 11/14/2022
NIEHS Webinar: Looking Back at COVID-19 and Planning Ahead for Future Threats

This webinar took a “look back” to describe the WTP COVID-19 program and showcase some of the materials produced. It also looked ahead to determine how we can collaboratively plan, prepare, and build workforce capacity to prevent future infectious disease threats, especially among worker populations that face the greatest risks and disparities.
COVID-19 08/31/2022
Opioids and the Workplace, Risk Factors and Solutions

During this webinar, some of the authors of the special issue New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy shared potential strategies to reduce the negative impact of workplace factors on the opioid crisis and reform punitive policies into supportive ones.
Opioids & Substance Use: Workplace Prevention & Response 06/09/2022
Initiatives to Prevent Opioid Misuse and Promote Recovery Friendly Workplace Programs

This webinar provided an overview of the new NIEHS Opioid Initiatives publication, and described what organizations are doing in the fight to prevent substance use disorder and to implement recovery friendly workplace programs. The webinar also demonstrated how to use the document to kick start your own substance use disorder prevention or recovery friendly workplace program.
Opioids & Substance Use: Workplace Prevention & Response 04/11/2022
Evaluating the Benefits of the NIEHS Environmental Career Worker Training Program (ECWTP)

This webinar engaged ECWTP grantees and stakeholders in discussing how they evaluate the benefits and impacts of ECWTP. Webinar participants learned best practices and gained new ideas for future ECWTP evaluation.
Training Evaluation 02/10/2022
Occupational COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Schools

This webinar provided a scientific basis for recommendations to prevent exposure to infectious agents based on real time, real world experiences as students, teachers, and staff are back to in-person learning.
COVID-19 12/02/2021
Practical Considerations for Using Portable Air Cleaners to Prevent Transmission of Infectious Aerosols

This webinar provided information on 1) assessing ventilation systems within a building or space and 2) selection and use of portable air cleaner(s), when appropriate. Presenters discussed the difference between natural and mechanical ventilation and recommendations from American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
COVID-19 08/16/2021
Evaluation of COVID-19 Training and Virtual Learning

In this webinar representatives of four WTP awardee organizations discuss evaluation methods used, key findings, and lessons learned from the evaluation of their COVID-19 Training and Virtual Learning.
Training Evaluation 05/10/2021
The Paindemic: The Intersection between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Deaths of Despair

In this webinar we detailed the extent of the problem of deaths of despair and how the COVID-19 pandemic has added fuel to the fire. We reviewed interventions such as peer assistance programs, training, and increased access to mental health and substance use care in the workplace.
COVID-19 04/08/2021
Managing Inequities and Environmental Injustices Encountered on the Job Among Workers Experiencing Disadvantage

This webinar panel explored challenges and opportunities for improving safety and health among these populations of workers, workplaces, and geographies. It also addressed how comorbidities and disadvantages like underlying chronic disease, food insecurity, race, and income can impact occupational risk.
COVID-19 03/16/2021
Preventing Occupational Exposure to COVID-19 in Non-Hospital Healthcare Settings

This webinar shared experiences and solutions to better protect workers in clinics, nursing homes, long term care, emergency response, and home health.
COVID-19 02/17/2021
Addressing the Role of the Vaccine in Workplace COVID-19 Prevention: How to Weed through Misinformation, Mistrust, and Improve Worker Protection

This webinar addressed why the vaccine will not be an immediate answer for preventing exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace and what that means for staying true to the industrial hygiene hierarchy of controls. It will help attendees to sort through information, fears, and mistrust and use it to build safer environments for workers.
COVID-19 01/14/2021
Protecting Volunteers from COVID-19 During Natural Disaster Response and Recovery

The NIEHS Worker Training Program presented a 90-minute webinar in partnership with the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice, Subcommittee on Environmental Justice and Natural Disasters. Available in English and Spanish languages.
COVID-19 12/07/2020
Training Best Practices in the Time of Covid-19 Webinar Series: In-Person Training Under COVID-19 – Protocols and Practices

The purpose of the webinar series was to provide a forum for WTP grantees and consortia members to share their challenges, solutions, demonstrations, and lessons learned while delivering engaging health and safety training during COVID-19. This webinar, the third in the series, focused on protocols and practices for in-person training during COVID-19.
COVID-19 09/18/2020
Training Best Practices in the Time of Covid-19 Webinar Series: Tools for Creative Engagement on Virtual Platforms

The purpose of the webinar series was to provide a forum for WTP grantees and consortia members to share their challenges, solutions, demonstrations, and lessons learned while delivering engaging health and safety training during COVID-19. This webinar will focus on providing tools for creative engagement on virtual platforms.
COVID-19 09/10/2020
Training Best Practices in the Time of Covid-19 Webinar Series: Setting-up Online Training – Practices & Platforms

The purpose of this webinar series was to provide a forum for WTP grantees and consortia members to share their challenges, solutions, demonstrations, and lessons learned while delivering engaging health and safety training during COVID-19. This webinar, the first call in the series, focused on practices and platforms for setting-up online training
COVID-19 09/03/2020
Ethics for Safety and Health Professionals

This webinar discussed how healthcare professionals can go about situations in which what they think is right and what they think is the best course of action is put to the test.
COVID-19 08/26/2020
Ethical Issues around Contact Tracing/Testing in the Workplace

This webinar discussed the ethics and effectiveness of contract tracing in the workplace to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
COVID-19 08/19/2020
Workplace Outbreak Investigation, Contact Tracing, and Testing: Intersection between Occupational & Public Health

This webinar discussed the broad impacts on workplaces and workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Connecting workplace and worker issues into the larger public health response.
COVID-19 08/05/2020
Ethical Considerations Regarding Meat Processing Plant Operations, Worker Safety, and Community Welfare

This webinar series is partnership with the University of Nebraska brings a philosophical approach to disaster response with a focus on occupational and public health issues. This webinar discussed effective and ethical strategies and interventions for reducing the risk for employers, employees and the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 07/22/2020
Introduction to Ethical Issues around COVID-19 and Work

This webinar series is partnership with the University of Nebraska brings a philosophical approach to disaster response with a focus on occupational and public health issues. This webinar discussed the ethical framework in place to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces.
COVID-19 07/08/2020
Minimizing Workplace Exposures Through Design and Engineering Controls

The purpose of this webinar was to refocus the COVID-19 pandemic efforts to core public health principles to better protect workers and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 07/01/2020
Essential Workers Train-the-Trainer

This webinar discussed guidance for the protection of essential workers, during COVID-19, in the workplace. The guidance in this webinar provides training tools to safely prepare essential workers and their employers from workplace health risks during the pandemic.
COVID-19 04/23/2020
The University of Maryland Medical Center Experience

This webinar discussed exposure tracking for healthcare workers, surveillance of workers exposed to COVID-19, development of isolation rooms, and the use of elastomeric respirators.
COVID-19 04/15/2020
NIEHS WTP Evaluation and Data Stakeholder Webinar for COVID-19

As part of the COVID-19 training initiative, WTP set up the Data and Evaluation Work Group. This webinar is the first webinar the group held using the opportunity to discuss evaluation as a method to improve training outcomes, data collection, and reporting processes.
Training Evaluation 04/13/2020
Exposure Prevention for COVID-19 Essential Workers

Presenters during this webinar cover the following topics related to preventing COVID-19 exposure for essential workers: the science and evidence of the transmission of short-range aerosols, the use and reuse of N95 filtering facepiece respirators, and the importance of preventing occupational mucocutaneous exposures including PPE and eye protection.
COVID-19 04/01/2020
COVID-19 Train-the-Trainer

This webinar builds on the disaster model in a COVID-19 threat environment by focusing on disaster work and resilience, personal protection, and infection control.
COVID-19 03/26/2020
Week in Review Webinars

This collection of webinars provides overviews on a week-by-week basis of a variety of COVID-19 updates and news.
COVID-19 03/27/2020
Findings and Lessons Learned from the NIEHS Ebola Biosafety and Infectious Disease Response (IDR) Training Program

Representatives of three WTP awardee organizations discussed evaluation methods, key findings, and lessons learned from their IDR training programs.
Training Evaluation 04/15/2019
Using the Minimum Criteria to Guide Program Evaluation and Self-Audit

Elizabeth Harman, principal investigator (PI) for the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), and Kenny Oldfield, PI for Alabama Fire College (AFC) Workplace Safety Training, discuss how they have used or are planning to use the NIEHS Minimum Criteria for Worker Health and Safety Training to guide program evaluation or programmatic check-ins.
Training Evaluation 11/26/2018
Evaluating the Impact of Trainers and Other Topics in Safety and Health Evaluation

Ruth Ruttenberg, Ph.D., discusses evaluations completed for the International Chemical Workers Union Council and CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training. Webinar participants also discuss collecting stories from trainers at the May 2018 Trainers’ Exchange, using a method based loosely on the Most Significant Change model.
Training Evaluation 04/12/2018
Training Follow-Up: Grantee Examples of Data Collection Methods

Carol Rice, Ph.D., Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training, and Kevin Riley, Ph.D., Western Region Universities Consortium, provided examples of evaluation and data collection from their programs.
Training Evaluation 11/30/2017
Introduction to the WTP Evaluation Community of Practice

Participants discuss future webinar topics, webinar frequency, and common evaluation measures for the WTP Infectious Disease Response Program. Donna McDaniel Mitchell, EdD, and Tipawan Reed, representing WTP awardee OAI, Inc., also share insights on using the Social Ecological Model to guide evaluation design.
Training Evaluation 03/07/2017
Ebola Biosafety and Infectious Disease Response Training Program Webinar Series

Part 1: Welcome and Introduction to NIEHS WTP

The WTP hosted a three-part webinar to introduce the eight awardees funded to provide safety training for workers who may be exposed to infectious diseases.
Infectious Diseases 06/22/2016
Ebola Biosafety and Infectious Disease Response Training Program Webinar Series

Part 2: Building Collaborative Strength and Capacity

The WTP hosted a three-part webinar to introduce the eight awardees funded to provide safety training for workers who may be exposed to infectious diseases.
Infectious Diseases 07/14/2016
Ebola Biosafety and Infectious Disease Response Training Program Webinar Series

Part 3: Dig Deeper on Outcome and Evaluation

The WTP hosted a three-part webinar to introduce the eight awardees funded to provide safety training for workers who may be exposed to infectious diseases.
Infectious Diseases 08/15/2016
Improved Access to Pathogen Safety Data (PSD) for Infectious Disease Preparedness Programs

The webinar was conducted to obtain input from stakeholders on a proposal to develop a PSD guide and a related training module. The purpose of the project is to identify available resources for infectious disease information, review their strengths and limitations, and how they can be used for potential high risk populations involved in emergency response and cleanup activities in the United States.
Infectious Diseases 04/06/2016
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024