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Course Details

Curricula Catalog Course Details

Course Title: Industrial Emergency Response - Operations Level
Type of Course: Emerg. Resp. Basic Oper.
Description: This training is intended to help the employer meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response standard (1910.120(q)(8)) for first-responder personnel who will perform at the operations level of industrial hazardous material incidents. The training program covers basic hazards recognition, personal protective equipment, basic control/containment/confinement, decontamination procedures, other relevant standard operating procedures and incident termination.
Training Provider: Midwest Consortium
Instructor Qualifications: Facilitators documented to be qualified based on relevant work experience, education and expertise in adult education provide instruction. The number of facilitators is determined by the number of participants and the level of personal protective equipment used in the program, consistent with NIEHS guidelines. Annual review of instructional competence is required.
Languages: English
Open enrollment: Yes
Delivery Method: Classroom-based
Course Hours: 24
Credits: N/A
Intended Audience: First responder personnel who will perform at the operations level (defensive actions only) at hazardous materials incidents.
Prerequisites: Awareness-level competencies
Caveats: This material has been copyrighted by the Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training. A recipient of the material other than the federal government may not reproduce it without the permission of the copyright owner. The material was prepared for use by experienced instructors in the training of persons who are or who anticipate being employed as site supervisors or managers. Users are cautioned that the subject is constantly evolving. Therefore, the material may require additions, deletions, or modifications to incorporate the effects of that evolution occurring after the date of preparation.
Special Instructions: Only written requests for additional information will be accepted.

Course Owner:
Tim Hilbert - Midwest Consortium
Phone: 513-558-0228


Course Materials:

Materials found on MWC website here ( Manual )

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