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NIEHS WTP: April 29, 2022 Newsbrief

Weekly E-Newsbrief, April 29, 2022

Weekly E-Newsbrief

April 29, 2022

The E-Newsbrief of the National Clearinghouse is a free weekly newsletter focusing on new developments in the world of worker health and safety. Each issue provides summaries of the latest worker health and safety news from newspapers, magazines, journals, government reports, and the Web, along with links to the original documents. Also featured each week are updates from government agencies that handle hazmat and worker safety issues such as DOE, EPA, OSHA and others.

Subscribing to the National Clearinghouse Newsbrief is the best way to stay on top of the worker health and safety news.

Top StoriesBack to Top

Remembering Our Nation’s Fallen Workers

Workers Memorial Day is observed each year on April 28 in the United States and around the world. The day aims to recognize, remember, and honor those who died of injuries and illnesses related to their jobs.

The Equation [Author: Kathleen Rest]

Firefighters Hopeful as U.S. Government Moves to Speed Up Health Claims

Following lobbying from firefighter groups, the Biden administration this week announced a major shift in policy intended to make it easier for federal firefighters to claim benefits for injuries and illnesses caused by their job. The move is considered crucial to retaining and compensating federal firefighters, many of whom are leaving their jobs as they face longer and deadlier fire seasons, worsened in part by climate change.

Thomas Reuters Foundation [Authors: David Sherfinski and Avi Asher-Schapiro]

Drug Overdose Deaths are at a Record High. Here's What the White House Plans to do

In its first detailed plan to slow the rise in drug overdose deaths, the Biden administration is emphasizing harm reduction. That means increasing access to clean needles, fentanyl test strips and naloxone. In addition, the administration aims to double treatment admissions by 2025 and ensure patients have access to medications for opioid use disorder while in treatment.

NPR [Author: Martha Bebinger]

Amazon Warehouse Collapse Probe Finds Worker Safety Risks

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sent a “Hazard Alert Letter” to the Seattle-based e-commerce giant following the agency's investigation into the deadly collapse of a company warehouse in Edwardsville, Illinois. The letter requires Amazon to review its severe weather emergency procedures but the company won’t face any fines or penalties.

U.S. News [Author: Haleluya Hadero]

Calendar FeaturesBack to Top

U.S. Department of Labor to Hold Public Meeting to Provide Overview of OSHA Initiatives to Protect Workers From Heat Hazards

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will hold a stakeholder meeting to provide an overview of and seek comments on the agency’s ongoing efforts to protect workers from heat-related hazards. The meeting will be held on May 3, 2022 online at 12 p.m.-6 p.m. ET.

Event Registration

Heat Forum Public Stakeholder Page

EMS: What Is ‘Long COVID’ and How Do You Protect Yourself?

The webcast hosted by Emory University and Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) will review what is known about Long COVID and protective strategies available for Emergency Medical System (EMS) providers. Participants will be able to recognize Long COVID symptoms, describe COVID-19 infection prevention measures and ask questions of infectious disease and EMS specialists. The webcast will be held on May 3, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. ET.

Event Registration

National Indian Health Board Hosts Virtual National Tribal Public Health Summit

This year's summit theme is Tribal Health is Public Health. The summit is an annual gathering specifically for elevating the public health policy and impacts on American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes. It serves as a forum for practitioners, researchers, and policy experts to mobilize in the arenas of public, behavioral, and environmental health. The summit will be held May 9-12, 2022.

Registration Here

On The Web This WeekBack to Top

Podcast: How to Support Employee Mental Health & Wellness

The podcast explores how to support employees with mental health conditions. Examples of support include creating workplaces that allow workers to set boundaries and allow workers to work in ways that are healthy for them.

OH&S SafetyPod

Workforce Development: Missouri Works Initiative Aims to Break Barriers, Help People Land Jobs

The Missouri Works Initiative is holding a five-week pre-apprenticeship training program in Springfield to help people land jobs in the skilled trades. The program aims to address the state’s changing workforce needs by creating healthy and recovery-friendly workplaces, connecting laid off workers with job-search or upskilling resources for future employment, and facilitating apprenticeship opportunities.

Springfield News-Leader [Author: Ralph Green]

Federal Agency UpdateBack to Top

FOA: SBIR E-Learning for HAZMAT and Emergency Response

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that propose to further the development of Technology-enhanced training products for the health and safety training of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) and disaster response and recovery workers, among others.

Grant Posting

U.S. Department of Labor Observes Workers Memorial Day

U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) observes Workers Memorial Day. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh hosted an event that included personal stories from workers and family members impacted by workplace fatalities.

OSHA National News Release

Fact Sheet: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Expands Second Chance Opportunities for Formerly Incarcerated Persons

The Biden-Harris Administration is releasing a comprehensive strategy that expands Incarceration to Employment opportunities. The strategy includes promoting best practices with federal construction industry contractors, expanding access to federal employment and providing training and technical assistance to job seekers.

The White House

Awardee Highlights/Online LearningBack to Top

9th Annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction

The National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction is a week-long event to raise awareness around fall hazards and the importance of preventing them. The campaign was launched in 2012 by WTP grantee CPWR- Center for Construction Research and Training in partnership with National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and OSHA. The campaign will be observed May 2-6.

About the Campaign and Free Resources

Job OpeningsBack to Top

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is Hiring an Industrial Hygienist

The incumbent will be responsible for conducting comprehensive industrial hygiene surveys and special studies, as well as providing advice to agency installations nationwide.

Job Posting

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