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Course Details

Curricula Catalog Course Details

Course Title: 24-hour Radiological Control Worker II Course
Type of Course: Radiation Worker II Training
Description: Provide basic radiological training to DOE site workers
Training Provider: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Instructor Qualifications: Instructors must have completed a Train-the-Trainer Program; posses valid CPR and First Aid Certifications; possess a current Radiological Control Worker II Certification.
Languages: English
Open enrollment: Yes
Delivery Method: Classroom-based
Course Hours: 24 hours
Credits: N/A
Intended Audience: Workers who are employed, or have the potential for employment, DOE Sites.
Prerequisites: Students must possess valid Hazardous Waste Worker Certifications.
Caveats: Course consists of classroom lecture; hands-on activities; small group activities; and dress-out activities.
Special Instructions: Training Site must have a mock DOE Site, personal protective equipment, and other equipment commonly used on a DOE Site for use in dress-out activties.

Charmaine Woolard
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
25 Louisiana Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-624-6963

Course Owner:
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Phone: 202-624-6963
Fax: 202-624-8125


Course Materials:

24-Hour Radiological Control Worker II Course ( Manual )

Radiologcal Worker Training Manual ( Manual , 2001 , 176 pages )

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025