Superfund Research Program
Biomarkers of Exposure to Hazardous Substances
Center Director: Bruce D. Hammock
Grant Number: P42ES004699
Funding Period: 1987-2023
Program Links
Projects and Cores funded in 2000-2005
Aquatic Biomarkers in Site Characterization and Remediation
Project Leader: David E. Hinton (Duke University)
Funding Period: 1995 - 2005
Assessing Adverse Effects of Environmental Hazards on Reproductive Health in Human Populations
Project Leader: Bill L. Lasley
Funding Period: 1995-2015
Biomarkers of Exposure to Pulmonary Toxicants
Project Leader: Alan R. Buckpitt
Funding Period: 1995-2010
Development and Applications of Integrated Cell-Based Bioassays
Project Leader: Michael S. Denison
Funding Period: 1995-2015
Development and Implementation of Immunoassays for Human and Environmental Monitoring
Project Leader: Bruce D. Hammock
Funding Period: 1995-2023
Development of Rapid, Miniaturized Sensors for Use in the Detection of Environmental Toxins
Project Leader: Ian M. Kennedy
Funding Period: 2000-2015
Epidemiology Studies
Project Leader: Ellen B. Gold
Funding Period: 2000-2010
Thermal Remediation
Project Leader: Ian M. Kennedy
Funding Period: 1995-2010
Transport, Transformation, and Remediation of Perchlorate and VOCs in the Vadose Zone and Groundwater
Project Leader: Dennis E. Rolston
Funding Period: 1995-2015
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Bruce D. Hammock
Funding Period: 1995-2023
Analytical Chemistry
Project Leader: Bruce D. Hammock
Funding Period: 1995-2023
DNA Microarray Core
Project Leader: Robert H. Rice
Funding Period: 2000-2010
Statistical Analysis of Toxics Measurements
Project Leader: David M. Rocke
Funding Period: 1995-2010
Training Core
Project Leader: Robert H. Rice
Funding Period: 1995-2023