Superfund Research Program
Statistical Analysis of Toxics Measurements
Project Leader: David M. Rocke
Grant Number: P42ES004699
Funding Period: 1995-2010
Project-Specific Links
Project Summary (2000-2005)
The Statistics Core will provide support and consultation on experimental design and data interpretation for the research projects and database support with particular attention to the Analytical Core A and the DNA Microarray Core C. A new emphasis is in the area of bioinformatic support. Methods for the storage and interpretation of DNA microarray data are being developed along with support for pattern recognition systems for proteomic and metanomic approaches. In addition the Core is developing new statistical methods for the emerging field of microarrays. Work continues on developing statistical methods for immunoarrays and other information systems with high density. Techniques such as Bayes estimation, nonlinear optimal design, maximum pseudo-likelihood, and M-estimation are being employed. The development of new statistical methods and algorithms for the analysis of hazardous chemicals and for the creation of new and improved measurement techniques, particularly in the analysis of data from accelerator mass spectrometry (Support Core A) continues.