Superfund Research Program

October 2022

Top row, from left: Avinash Kumar, Ph.D., and Rebecca Dickman. Middle row, from left: Martine Mathieu, Charlotte Wirth, and Laura Dean, Ph.D. Bottom row, from left: Melissa Woodward and Francisco Leniz.
The K.C. Donnelly Awards enable graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to study with experts at outside institutions. Top row, from left: Kumar and Dickman. Middle row, from left: Mathieu, Wirth, and Dean. Bottom row, from left: Woodward and Léniz. (Image courtesy of MDB, Inc.)

Seven trainees with the NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP) have earned K.C. Donnelly Externship Award Supplements. Named for longtime SRP grantee Kirby "K.C." Donnelly, the funding enables graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to learn techniques relevant to their work from experts at outside institutions.

The K.C. Donnelly Awards enable graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to study with experts at outside institutions. By promoting collaboration across other SRP centers and agencies, the eponymous awards enable knowledge-sharing and skill-building essential to forging scientific careers.

The 2022 awardees are Laura Dean, Ph.D.; Rebecca Dickman; Avinash Kumar, Ph.D.; Francisco Léniz; Martine Mathieu; Charlotte Wirth; and Melissa Woodward. Their research projects are discussed below

Read more in the NIEHS Environmental Factor newsletter.