Superfund Research Program

February 2023

Nobel HernándezNobel Hernández, of the Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats SRP Center, won first place overall for his original song about reporting research results to women exposed to contaminants during pregnancy.

Short, fun science videos produced by SRP trainees as part of a competition made their big-screen debut at the SRP Annual Meeting, held December 14-16 in Raleigh, North Carolina. SRP hosted the contest to encourage early-career researchers’ science communication efforts.

“Through the video challenge, we wanted to introduce new media into science translation,” said SRP Health Scientist Administrator Danielle Carlin, Ph.D., who co-hosted the competition alongside SRP Summer Intern Kirsten Reid. “SRP strongly supports outreach efforts to translate research findings to impacted communities, which is what we hoped to accomplish with the competition.”

Read more in the NIEHS Environmental Factor newsletter.