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Patent Detail: Method for the Preparation of Homostructured Mixed Proton and Organic Layered Silicates

Patent Detail

Superfund Research Program

Method for the Preparation of Homostructured Mixed Proton and Organic Layered Silicates

Number: 6,261,640
Year: 2001
Patent Status: Issued
Authors: Pinnavaia, T.J., Z. Wang

Homostructured, cation exchanged, layered compositions containing mixed onium and protonated hydronium ions and mixtures thereof are described. Particulate concentrates formed by intercalation of a polymer component into the galleries of the layered inorganic and organic homostructured layered cation exchange composition and to the use of the particulate concentrates for the preparation of cured polymer-inorganic nanolayer hybrid composite compositions are described. In the most preferred embodiment of the invention the layered inorganic composition is selected from the family of 2:1 layered silicate clays.

Associated Projects:

  • Michigan State University: Functional Nanostructures of Groundwater Remediation
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