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Dataset Details (GSE21372)

Superfund Research Program

Title: Gene expression throughout vertebrate embryogenesis

Accession Number: GSE21372

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Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Data Type(s): Gene Expression

Experiment Type(s): Expression profiling by array

Organism(s): Fundulus heteroclitus

Summary: This study presents statistical analyses of gene expression during all 40 developmental stages in the teleost Fundulus heteroclitus using four biological replicates per stage. Patterns of gene expression for 7,000 genes appear to be important as they recapitulate developmental timing. Among the 45 percent of genes with significant expression differences between pairs of temporally adjacent stages, significant differences in gene expression vary from as few as five to more than 660. Five adjacent stages have disproportionately more significant changes in gene expression ( 200 genes) relative to other stages: four to eight and eight to sixteen cell stages, onset of circulation, pre- and post-hatch, and during complete yolk absorption. The fewest differences among adjacent stages occur during gastrulation. Yet, at stage 16 (pre-mid-gastrulation), the largest number of genes has peak expression. This stage has an over-representation of genes in oxidative respiration and protein expression (ribosomes, translational genes and proteases). Unexpectedly, among all ribosomal genes, both strong positive and negative correlations occur. Similar correlated patterns of expression occur among all significant genes. These data provide statistical support for the temporal dynamics of developmental gene expression during all stages of vertebrate development.

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Last Reviewed: October 02, 2024