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Dataset Details (GSE93132)

Superfund Research Program

Title: Impact of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease on toxicokinetics of tetrachloroethylene in mice

Accession Number: GSE93132

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Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Data Type(s): Gene Expression

Experiment Type(s): Array expression profiling by high throughput sequencing

Organism(s): Mus musculus

Summary: We report the effect of NAFLD on liver gene expression changes that could impact tetrachloroethhylene metabolism. Methods: We fed male C57Bl/6J mice a base diet (BD), high fat (HFD), or methionine/choline/folate deficient high fat diet (MCD) for 8 weeks and then treated them with vehicle or tetrachloroethylene (PERC, 300 mg/kg ig). We only report "basal" differences herein (aka vehicle-treated). Results: We report that there were diet-specific differences in xenobiotic metabolizing genes, and that these genes may be responsible for NAFLD-induced disruption in PERC metabolism

Publication(s) associated with this dataset:
  • Cichocki JA, Furuya S, Konganti K, Luo Y, McDonald TJ, Iwata Y, Chiu WA, Threadgill DW, Pogribny IP, Rusyn I. 2017. Impact of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease on toxicokinetics of tetrachloroethylene in mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 361(1):17-28. doi:10.1124/jpet.116.238790 PMID:28148637 PMCID:PMC5363767
Project(s) associated with this dataset:
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