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Dataset Details (10.1594/PANGAEA.935238)

Superfund Research Program

Title: Concentrations of individual polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in gas and particle phases in air in Chicago, Il, USA in 2009

Accession Number: 10.1594/PANGAEA.935238

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Repository: PANGAEA

Data Type(s): Environmental Science Data

Experiment Type(s): Contaminant measurements

Summary: We report the levels of airborne individual PCB concentrations of gas and particle phases from the City of Chicago in 2009. Twenty-seven and 17 locations were sampled for gas and particle phases, respectively, where 141 and 46 gas and particle phases were collected. Total suspended particles (TSP) were also measured for the particle-phase samples. One hundred and seventy-one individual or coeluting congener PCBs are reported. Field blank masses for all 171 individual congeners for both gas (XAD-2) and particle (QFF) phases are included. Sample mass for all 171 individual congeners for both gas (XAD-2) and particle (QFF) phases are included. Deployment time and sampling flow are included. Final individual PCB congener concentrations, as well as ambient air temperature (K), wind speed (m/s), and TSP are included.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025