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Dataset Details (AH006642)

Superfund Research Program

Title: Homo sapiens chromosome 12 microsomal glutathione transferase (MGST1) gene, complete cds

Accession Number: AH006642

Link to Dataset:

Repository: GenBank

Data Type(s): Nucleotide Sequence

Experiment Type(s): Genomic DNA

Organism(s): Homo sapiens

Summary: Homo sapiens chromosome 12 microsomal glutathione transferase (MGST1) gene, complete cds

Publication(s) associated with this dataset:
  • Kelner MJ, Bagnell RD, Montoya MA, Estes LA, Forsberg L, Morgenstern R. 2000. Structural organization of the microsomal glutathione S-transferase gene (MGST1) on chromosome 12p131-132 Identification of the correct promoter region and demonstration of transcriptional regulation in response to oxidative stress. J Biol Chem 275(17):13000-13006. PMID:10777602
Project(s) associated with this dataset:
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