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Patent Detail: Cyanohydrin Ethers and Esters as High-Sensitivity Enzyme Substrates

Patent Detail

Superfund Research Program

Cyanohydrin Ethers and Esters as High-Sensitivity Enzyme Substrates

Number: 6,710,200
Year: 2004
Patent Status: Issued
Authors: Hammock, B.D., G. Shan, R. Zhang

Ethers and esters of cyanohydrins that contain optically detectable moieties are highly effective for detecting, monitoring, and measuring the activity of enzymes that cause the cleavage of certain types of substrates. The cyanohydrins function as proaldehydes and proketones, spontaneously converting to aldehydes and ketones, respectively, which provide a large increase in optical detectability relative to both the starting esters and ethers and the cyanohydrins.

Associated Projects:

  • University of California-Davis: Immunoassays for Human and Environmental Health Monitoring
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024