Superfund Research Program
DNA Microarray Core
Project Leader: Robert H. Rice
Grant Number: P42ES004699
Funding Period: 2000-2010
Project-Specific Links
Project Summary (2000-2005)
The DNA Mircoarray Core has several major functions. First it is a resource for research projects to examine how exposure to toxic agents affects gene expression. Project scientists discuss with Core personnel projected experiments so that practical plans are developed. Such discussion leads to decisions whether a given problem is addressed best (a) by generating a limited cDNA array by subtractive hybridization, (b) using a subset of cDNAs available in the Core repository, or (c) through a full array of cDNAs available in the repository. When a subtractively hybridized array is considered the appropriate approach, the Core assists in its generation by representational difference analysis, a technique with which there is much experience. As the Core expands its repository of cDNA clones, the emphasis is anticipated to shift gradually to larger arrays. A second major function of the Core is in bioinformatics. This consists largely of data management, assisting Superfund investigators with data analysis and database searches and helping investigators utilize the campus Life Sciences Informatics Program. As data sets become larger they will be transferred to the Statistics Core B.