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University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Superfund Research Program

Outreach Core

Project Leader: Kathleen Gray
Grant Number: P42ES005948
Funding Period: 2000 - 2006

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Project Summary (2000-2006)

The purpose of this core is to increase public awareness of Center research through the education of the public and professionals. The Core's focus has been expanded beyond the professional outreach of years past to include a number of activities directed at the general public. The core will train North Carolina teachers in scientific concepts relevant to the Center’s research and will develop a Guide to Participatory Processes at Superfund Site, using North Carolina case studies when possible. The core will also develop an annual newsletter aimed at citizens and maintain a web site.

The Outreach Core will continue to publicize Center activities to the professional community through the publication of an annual newsletter, Center for the Advanced Study of the Environment (CASE) News. The core will also provide research updates to the ESE Notes (the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering's newsletter) and postings to the Center's web site.

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Last Reviewed: October 02, 2024