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Duke University

Superfund Research Program

Research Translation Core

Project Leader: Charlotte Clark
Grant Number: P42ES010356
Funding Period: 2005-2022
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2011-2017)

Today's policymakers must wade through an overwhelming amount of information to establish a knowledge base for decision-making. Thus, good policy outcomes require effective communication of scientific research. Effective translation of research results emanating from the Duke Superfund Research Program (SRP) holds the potential to contribute substantially to the practice of environmental health across North Carolina and the nation. Core leaders have identified three primary audiences for the efforts of the Research Translation Core (RTC): (1) scientists at other universities and state and federal agencies working on similar research questions; (2) environmental health officials and policy makers in state and federal agencies; and (3) community-based groups and nonprofits, charged with protecting human health and the environment.

Specific aims for the Research Translation Core include:

  1. To serve as a bi-directional bridge between the Duke SRP and community groups and other broad-based audiences.
  2. To communicate with national, state, and local environmental health officials regarding the contributions of center research to contemporary scientific issues.
  3. To disseminate environmental health research and messages to communities that have traditionally been underserved in outreach and translation efforts, with a particular emphasis on the rapidly growing Hispanic population in North Carolina.
  4. To use advanced spatial analysis to characterize relationships among contaminants, exposure, and environmental health policy, and then make these results available through the research translation process.
  5. To participate in the transfer of technology from Center investigators to specific end-user audiences.

In past years, Center Investigators have been important contributors to the efforts of the RTC, and both the RTC staff and Center Investigators are enthusiastic about continuing this collaborative approach. Opportunities for synergy in research translation are created by the SRC's focus on developmental effects from chemical exposure and toxicity and a campus-wide emphasis on the special vulnerabilities of children. This combination ensures that the full suite of research results emanating from the Duke SRP is available to be communicated to multiple audiences in a timely fashion using tailored formats appropriate to the audience.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025