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Louisiana State University

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core - Research Translation

Research Translation Coordinator: Bianca Scolaro
Grant Number: P42ES013648
Funding Period: 2020-2025
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2020-2025)

Note: As of the most recent reissue of the Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program Request for Applications (RFA-ES-18-002), research translation in these multiproject center grants is now part of the Administrative Core. The research translation efforts are now facilitated by the Administrative Core and led by the Research Translation Coordinator.

The Research Translation (RT) component of the Administrative Core works with the Research Experience and Training Coordination Core and project and core leaders to involve trainees in community engagement activities and provide professional development workshops on concepts related to environmental health science and Center research. The RT component also establishes and strengthens community, industry, governmental, and SRP partnerships by inviting partners to participate in Center activities, such as the annual Dellinger Symposium. Finally, LSU’s Office of Research and Economic Development has created a supportive environment for multidisciplinary research initiatives such as offering centralized officers for compliance (IRB, IACUC, etc.) and organizing and facilitating scientific reviewers. The Center uses feedback from the External Advisory Committee, which is comprised of experts from our various research fields and from the community and other stakeholders to fulfill the missions of NIEHS and the SRP mandates.

The team works closely with the Center Director and project and core leaders to communicate with NIEHS and SRP staff; maintain and build additional partnerships with other governmental agencies like the EPA and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality; identify technologies and delineate mechanisms for the transfer of technology to end-users; and disseminate information to the public, healthcare practitioners, other researchers, and educational groups. This is accomplished using a variety of RT activities and best communication practices. Metrics, such as those included in the Framework to Assess the Impact from Translational Health Research, are used to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of RT and the impact of the Center’s research.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025