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Brown University

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Kim Boekelheide
Grant Number: P42ES013660
Funding Period: 2005-2021

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Project Summary (2005-2009)

The Administrative Core facilitates, promotes, and organizes the cross-disciplinary research activities of the SBRP by directing the group to focus on land re-use and co-exposure issues in Rhode Island. This focus is maintained by establishing open communication and appropriate venues for data sharing, mentoring, and advice among the faculty, with state officials, with the research community, with the public, with NIEHS staff, and with other SBRPs. The mechanisms implemented to achieve open communication include monthly meetings of the internal Steering Committee, quarterly meetings of Research Project and Core Leaders, annual meetings of the External Advisory Committee, and annual trips to exchange ideas and information with NIEHS staff and the other SBRPs. Guided by these interactions, the Principal Investigator (Director), the Co-Director, and the Program Coordinator organize a seminar series, an annual retreat, and a comprehensive and accessible website. Additionally, mutually beneficial opportunities and resources for collaboration are sought with various programs in the state of Rhode Island devoted to developing infrastructure, research, and training capabilities, including RI-INBRE and the Center for Molecular Toxicology at the University of Rhode Island, EPSCoR, and the Brown University Program in Public Health. These critical Core activities are articulated, supported and encouraged by the P.I. and accomplished by appropriate fiscal and resource management. The Administrative Core promotes progress towards the themes, goals, objectives and functions of the SBRP by pursuing these goals:

  • Developing processes that support the P.I. in establishing a program of cross-disciplinary basic and applied research and training
  • Creating a structure to organize the meetings, committees, consultations, and a website needed to facilitate communication, mentoring, and expert advice, including interactions with NIEHS staff and other SBRPs
  • Implementing mechanisms that ensure the use of the available resources to achieve the program objectives in a responsible and open manner.
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024