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Northeastern University

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Akram N. Alshawabkeh
Grant Number: P42ES017198
Funding Period: 2010-2025
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2010-2014)

The PRoTECT (Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats) Program includes five research projects, supported by two research support cores that will be conducted by a cross-disciplinary, multi-university team. The Administrative Core aims to:

  1. Provide Program leadership and coordination;
  2. Facilitate and ensure integration of cross-disciplinary, multi-university activities;
  3. Provide fiscal management and administrative services and monitor resources and expenditures;
  4. Maintain smooth interaction with external advisory committee members and active communication with the NIEHS, EPA and SBRP program;
  5. Provide program documentation, reporting and assessment; and
  6. Promote Program activities among the participating institutions, government and industry.

Achieving these aims while managing geographically distributed multi-university teams requires a sophisticated administrative structure. The initial decisions and plans, together with an effective communication structure, are crucial to maintaining active collaboration and coordination among researchers and institutions. Information Technology communication systems supports PRoTECT's cross-disciplinary, multi-university research and administration activities. Committees have also been formed to advise, coordinate and assess the effort with the Program Directors. These include an Executive Committee (to manage, facilitate and monitor the technical quality of the projects/cores), an Institutional Partnership Committee (to provide the necessary institutional-level guidance and promote the long-range strategic goals), a Scientific Advisory Committee (to assess research merit, cross-disciplinary integration, translation and relevance of projects, cores, and program), a Research Translation Committee and a Training Advisory Committee. Frequent and routine meetings and interaction are planned and calendar dates have been established for these events. In addition to training activities and specific project/core interactions, the following specific key PRoTECT events have been adopted to ensure cross-disciplinary interaction:

  1. Monthly cross-disciplinary multi-university "Town" meetings;
  2. Webinars; and
  3. An annual PRoTECT conference.

The Executive Committee oversees program documentation and assessment. The Committee utilizes the annual conference for direct interactions between the participants and committees, and for assessment of program activities.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025