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University of Louisville

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Sanjay Srivastava
Grant Number: P42ES023716
Funding Period: 2022-2027
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2022-2027)

The Administrative Core of the Louisville Superfund Center (LSC) provides administrative and fiscal support to all Projects and Cores supported by the Center. The Core facilitates communication and collaboration between individual Cores and Projects, and provides scientific and logistic oversight to Center activities. The Core acts as a liaison for individual Center members in order to best promote collaboration, to ensure all Center work effectively contributes to issues relevant to the SRP. The Core also disseminates scientific knowledge acquired from the University of Louisville Superfund Research Center (ULSRP) in a timely manner to key constituencies in forms that are targeted and useful to their audience. These include scientists and public health professionals; local, state, and federal policy makers; and the media and press. To assist in the planning and coordination of research and core activities the Core personnel organize scientific work-in-progress sessions, monthly meetings, relevant focus groups, and frequent formal and informal interactions.

To integrate cross-disciplinary research, the Core provides leadership and administrative support needed for integration and coordination of research. The Core leverages existing resources on campus to optimize the productivity of the Center, and seeks input from both an Internal Advisory Committee and an External Advisory Committee in evaluating progress and in maintaining the relevance of Center activities to the Superfund Research Program mandate. Core administrators also manage the finances and resources of the Center to optimize usage and appropriate allocation. They also coordinate the timely development of progress reports and financial statements. To ensure quality management, the Core monitors and facilitates attainment of Center objectives in research, training, education and community engagement, and ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. The Administrative Core is the go-to place for students and trainees, community members, public media and press so that all such activities can be appropriately facilitated and coordinated.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025