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University of New Mexico

Superfund Research Program

Biostatistics and Data Management Core

Project Leader: Li Luo
Co-Investigator: Li Li
Grant Number: P42ES025589
Funding Period: 2017-2022
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2017-2022)

The Biostatistics and Data Management (BD) Core provides biostatistical, epidemiologic, and data management support for the four research projects and the cores of the University of New Mexico Metal Exposure and Toxicity Assessment on Tribal Lands in the Southwest Superfund Research Program Center (UNM METALS). The BD Core aims to ensure and maximize the quality of the information the UNM METALS team discovers and disseminates in its efforts to better understand ecological and human health impacts of abandoned uranium mine contaminants. Each research project is represented by at least one faculty biostatistician and data analyst, selected to maximize the link between their applied research focus and the project.

Specifically, the BD Core provides the UNM METALS projects with statistical support and innovations in study development, study design, and data analyses, and will develop new statistical methods as necessary to optimize the UNM METALS study needs. Further, the BD Core develops statistical risk models to predict the likelihood of disease from environmental characteristics of the waste materials based on the integrated results across projects.

The BD Core also functions as the data coordinating center for the data collected through the projects and other cores to provide database infrastructure and management for laboratory experiments and environmental and epidemiology studies. The BD Core also provides review and monitoring of intervention trials conducted within the Superfund UNM METALS, thereby ensuring data quality, study integrity, and subject safety.

Core members have strong backgrounds in biostatistics, epidemiology, basic science, translational research, intervention research, and environmental data management. They work closely with the UNM METALS Research Team and cores for seamless integration of all aspects of this innovative UNM METALS Center.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025