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University of Rhode Island

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Rainer Lohmann
Co-Investigators: Philippe Grandjean, Judith M. Swift
Grant Number: P42ES027706
Funding Period: 2022-2027
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2022-2027)

The URI-led Sources, Transport, Exposure, and Effects of PFAS (STEEP) Superfund Research Program (SRP) Center focuses on innovative research to determine: the ubiquity of emerging poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water (Cape Cod study site); the suitability of current federal regulatory standards; the significance of adverse health impacts, e.g., immune dysfunction and metabolic abnormalities during early development and possibly beyond (Faroe Islands); the predictors of vulnerability to health impacts; the development of novel detection tools (passive samplers) to test for the presence of precursors and concentrations of PFAS in groundwater and private wells; the implications of the presence of PFAS with regard to bioaccumulation in humans, the food web, and the environment; the engagement of affected communities with the presence and dangers of PFAS; and the dissemination of findings through state, regional, national, and international stakeholders.

The Administrative Core successfully operates the STEEP SRP Center by integrating advice from both the Internal Advisory Committee (IAC) and the External Advisory Committee (EAC) through regular retreats and joint video calls with the STEEP team. With the STEEP Coordinator's oversight and coordination skills, the Administrative Core keeps STEEP on target with respect to finances, reporting requirements, supplemental funding, data management, mission, and aims. The Administrative Core further fosters the integration of cores and projects by leading and organizing core and project specific cross-cutting meetings, workshops, retreats, and seminars for the STEEP team.

The Administrative Core research translation team serves in its central and well-integrated role of connecting intra-STEEP researchers to promote regular communication and collaboration by working toward goals in a coordinated and interdisciplinary manner that extends to the participating institutions. Beyond sharing data with interested parties external to the SRP Center, a main goal of the Administrative Core is facilitating data and knowledge-sharing between and among projects and cores. The Administrative Core ensures the success of the Center through the following Aims:

  • Ensure the efficient integration of STEEP projects and cores.
  • Provide leadership for STEEP's mission and goals.
  • Ensure that STEEP provides relevant and timely research translation, technology transfer, and tools for stakeholders and communities.
  • Identify and work with new stakeholders and collaborators.
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025