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North Carolina State University

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core - Research Translation

Co-Investigator: Jamie C. DeWitt (Oregon State University)
Grant Number: P42ES031009
Funding Period: 2020-2025
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary

Note: As of the most recent reissue of the Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training Program Request for Applications (RFA-ES-18-002), research translation in these multiproject center grants is now part of the Administrative Core. The research translation efforts are now facilitated by the Administrative Core and led by the Research Translation Coordinator.

Research Translation is a priority of the Center. The collective strength of existing partnerships with government stakeholders among the Center’s members is leveraged, shared, and expanded according to clear timelines and development of Individualized Research Translation Plans by all Center members in coordination with the Center’s Research Translation Coordinator. Plans are revisited biannually and evolve as the Center and research programs progress.

This Core facilitates communication within and outside of the Center through: a Center website; social media; regular meetings among different constituents of the Center; retreats that include representation from the scientific and public communities interested in and affected by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); targeted efforts to integrate and collaborate with other SRP Centers and government stakeholders to cultivate sharing of data, methodologies, and technologies; and active leveraging of the many unique scientific, training, and engagement resources at North Carolina State University (NC State) and East Carolina University (ECU) for data translation and technology transfer.

The team is implementing mechanisms that facilitate translation of Center discoveries and broaden the impact of these findings at NC State, ECU, other SRP centers, and national stakeholders with the goal of protecting human health and addressing mandates of the broader SRP.

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