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Details for High Impact Journal

Superfund Research Program

Nature Neuroscience (impact factor: 24.884)


  • Takenaka MC, Gabriely G, Rothhammer V, Mascanfroni ID, Wheeler MA, Chao C, Gutierrez-Vazquez C, Kenison JE, Tjon EC, Barroso A, Vandeventer T, Alves de Lima K, Rothweiler S, Mayo L, Ghannam S, Zandee S, Healy L, Sherr DH, Farez M, Pratt A, Antel J, Reardon DA, Zhang H, Robson SC, Getz G, Weiner HL, Quintana FJ. 2019. Control of tumor-associated macrophages and T cells in glioblastoma via AHR and CD39. Nat Neurosci 22:729-740. doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0370-y PMID:30962630


  • Martone ME, Gupta A, Ellisman MH. 2004. e-Neuroscience: challenges and triumphs in integrating distributed data from molecules to brains. Nat Neurosci 7:467-472. PMID:15114360
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024