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Oregon State University

Superfund Research Program

Analytical Chemistry Research Support Core

Project Leader: Kim A. Anderson
Grant Number: P42ES016465
Funding Period: 2009-2025
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2009-2013)

The overall objective of the Analytical Chemistry Support Core is to provide SBRP Investigators with quantitative data on PAH and PAH metabolites, transformation products, and biomarkers in environmental and biological samples. The Core provides analytical expertise and measurement capability that is needed by virtually all the projects and in some cases, where the investigators are not technically equipped to perform such measurements. The objectives are:

  1. to provide quantitative data on PAH and their metabolites, transformation products, and biomarkers in environmental and biological samples and
  2. to develop methodology for new analytes or new matrices as demand requires.

The instrumentation required to detect and quantify PAHs includes gas and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. In addition, a number of extraction approaches are employed for concentrating analytes from environmental and biological samples. Core researchers continue to work with investigators in the Quantitative Methods for Carbon-Based Nanomaterials in the Environment and Biosphere project to develop quantitative methodologies for carbon nanomaterials in various matrices. The methodology applied is executed within a quality control and quality assurance environment to ensure data quality and estimates of error. The Core is designed to serve as a centralized source of quantitative data on PAHs and their metabolites, transformation products, and biomarkers and through this centralized function, can offer an economy of scale to the overall Superfund program and its Investigators.

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