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University of Washington

Superfund Research Program

Research Translation Core

Project Leader: Clement E. Furlong
Co-Investigator: Thomas Burbacher
Grant Number: P42ES004696
Funding Period: 2006-2023

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Project Summary (2006-2009)

While the Research Translation Core is new, the activities related to the core have been important aspects of the UW SBRP for many years. The goals of the Research Translation core address the three required components: Technology Transfer, Government Agency Partnerships, and Communicating to Broad Audiences. Specifically, the Research Translation Core is: 1) Assisting investigators in moving UW SBRP research findings into application by continuing partnerships with the UW TechTransfer office. Dr. Clem Furlong, who has a long history of activity in the area of technology transfer, serves as the Director of the core. He has met with investigators to identify potential applications for the research proposed. 2) Continuing to develop communication strategies for SBRP investigators and agencies in order to exchange information regarding government agency priorities and SBRP research findings. Drs Furlong, Burbacher (Co-Director) and Ms. Acharya (Core Manager) have established relationships with local, state and federal government agencies. Individual meetings with agency representatives continue in order to develop strategies to address community concerns. A new Speakers Series is being developed in conjunction with agency partners aimed at supporting speakers that can help address local issues important to their programs. Annual workshops, quarterly e-newsletters and print and web materials are also being developed to increase communications between SBRP investigators and agency staff. 3) Providing critical information to individual stakeholders by continuing to identify key communication venues and materials with government agencies and community groups. Procedures and materials are being developed for communities concerned about impacts from environmental contaminants, local and state agencies concerned about their community outreach, and for health professionals interested in environmental health education. The Research Translation Core provides the expertise needed to ensure that the scientific accomplishments of the UW SBRP are disseminated broadly and applied appropriately to immediate environmental health issues.

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Last Reviewed: October 17, 2024