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Michigan State University

Superfund Research Program

Analytical Chemistry Core

Project Leader: Thomas C. Voice
Grant Number: P42ES004911
Funding Period: 1995 - 2000
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (1995-2000)

The primary function of the Analytical Chemistry Core is to provide sample analysis services to Superfund Basic Research Program investigators who either lack the analytical capabilities to perform the analyses themselves, or who do not wish to divert the efforts of their personnel to chemical analysis. The service is designed to be particularly useful for projects that require only a limited number of analyses. In these cases, it would be extremely inefficient, in terms of both time and resources, for each group to perform its own analyses. By providing a sample analysis service, the Analytical Chemistry Core allows researchers to focus their efforts in their fields of expertise. This improves the overall productivity of the research groups.

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