Superfund Research Program
Hazard Identification Core
Project Leader: A. Jay Gandolfi
Grant Number: P42ES004940
Funding Period: 2000-2015
Project-Specific Links
Project Summary (2000-2005)
The Hazard Identification Core (HIC) objective is to provide toxicological and analytical services for the Research Projects and Technology Demonstration Core. The specific aims of this Core are to provide research support in three areas. 1) Toxicity Studies: This section will provide cytotoxicity screens (cells and tissue slices) as well as a genotoxic screens (Ames test and unscheduled DNA synthesis in cells/slices). In addition the HIC core is working with the University to develop a gene array service, which will provide an evaluation of altered genes in samples from all of our studies. 2) Analytical Studies: Since the majority of the projects are studying the processing of arsenic in the environment and its fate /toxicity in animals and humans, this core is providing arsenic analyses. Two analytical system will be available, a) hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry and b) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 3) Human Studies: Continuing work in human studies concerning body burden of metals, such as arsenic and mercury, is an important component of this Program. These studies offer an opportunity to translate the information and analyses developed in our laboratories to help evaluate human risk assessment.