Superfund Research Program
Training and Outreach Core
Project Leader: Stephen M. Roberts
Grant Number: P42ES007375
Funding Period: 1995-2006
Project Summary (1995-2000)
The primary functions of the training and outreach core are to provide the means to ensure a positive impact on the training of environmental health scientists; and to facilitate the dissemination of new knowledge gained by program research to other scientists, government agencies, industry, and the community. This core provides assistantships and tuition remission for pre-doctoral students and develops annual workshops on state-of-the-art techniques in studying human health and environmental impacts of contaminants. Outreach activities include a newsletter and an annual symposium. The newsletter contains informative articles regarding research advances arising from program research, as well as brief reviews of pertinent topics related to effects of chlorinated compounds on human health and the environment. Dissemination of more detailed, technical information regarding research discoveries occur in an annual symposium. The symposium not only provides access to research results and researchers for those outside the university, it also serves as a catalyst for the exchange of ideas on environmental problems of local, regional, and national interest. Each of the individual projects contributes to, and benefits from, the activities of the training and outreach core.