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University of Kentucky

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Bernhard Hennig
Grant Number: P42ES007380
Funding Period: 2000-2020

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Project Summary (2005-2008)

The Administrative Core oversees the entire University of Kentucky Superfund Basic Research Program through a management mechanism that allows efficient and accountable oversight and maximum interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary interactions among all participants. The Administrative Core is responsible for the coordination, planning, assessment, project accounting, and administrative support to the research personnel of the University of Kentucky SBRP. A major objective of the Administrative Core is to facilitate the execution of an interdisciplinary research theme through administrative support and fiscal accountability. Research efforts are coordinated through monthly meetings of faculty, students and research staff, as well as seminars, where new findings and planned activities and ideas are discussed. It is also be critical to discuss research findings for informative/educational, technology transfer, training, policy and translational purposes as part of the objectives of the Research Translation, Community Outreach, and Training Cores. Accountability of the UK SBRP activities, including the quality of science and administration, is achieved through regular consultations with both the External and Internal Advisory Boards. Research quality assessment and statistical consultation are managed through the Research Support Core. General fiscal responsibilities or project accounting are coordinated through the Administrative Office in conjunction with the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. A Program Coordinator together with the Program Director serve as a regular contact among all SBRP activities, including Research Projects and Cores, and coordinate all reports required by the sponsoring agencies.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025