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New York University School of Medicine

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core (ARRA Funded)

Project Leader: Max Costa
Grant Number: P42ES010344
Funding Period: 2009-2011

Project Summary (2009-2011)

This NYU Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP) includes projects from a variety of disciplines housed in six academic Institutions in five states. Thus, it is very important that the SBRP Administrative Core provide strong leadership and outstanding administrative support in order to ensure cohesiveness of the entire Program. The NYU SBRP Administrative Core therefore is designed to provide the support that ensures a cohesive and united Program that meets the goals of the NYU SBRP. The objectives and specific aims of the NYU SBRP Administrative Core are:

  1. Management of the SBRP with the assistance of a Business Administrator who communicates in a timely and consistent manner with the members of the Program, as well as with the NIEHS, providing program highlights, progress reports, financial reports, etc.;
  2. Provide assistance to the SBRP Projects and Cores by a Program Associate who coordinates all meetings (Internal Advisory, strategic planning sessions and External Advisory Committees), disseminates documents, prepares documents for the Program members, and coordinates the SBRP monthly seminar series; and
  3. Promote collaboration between the Research Projects, Research Support Cores and the activities of the Community Outreach Core and Research Translation Core.

The Administrative Core represents the hub of coordination of SBRP research and all other activities. The Core assures that meetings of the NYU SBRP Internal and External Advisory Committees are held in accordance with the time-line goals. They not only supports the coordination of these various meetings, but also supports the communication between the various projects, cores, and Community Outreach components. Another responsibility of the Core is the scheduling of the SBRP seminar series speakers, assisting speakers with their travel plans, as well as processing other paperwork related to these presentations. The Administrative Core also assists superfund investigators to attend the yearly superfund meetings. Core personnel are responsible for overseeing the compilation of the grant proposal and yearly progress reports to NIEHS as well as fiscal oversight of the budgetary spending within the Superfund Program in the day-to-day and long-term fiscal operations of the Program. Finally, the Administrative Core is the liaison with the NIEHS and other governmental agencies, providing information to them on the research accomplishments of the NYU SBRP.


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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024