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Duke University

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Richard T. Di Giulio
Grant Number: P42ES010356
Funding Period: 2000-2022

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Project Summary (2005-2011)

The Administrative Core provides a formal structure for oversight and planning of the Center's research and other activities, and provides for coordination among the research projects and between research and educational/outreach Cores. The Core is organized around the PI, and two committees, the External Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee. The objectives of the Administrative Core are as follows:

  1. Planning and Coordination: To monitor and maintain research progress and effective communication among investigators; to ensure exchange of information among the Functional Genomics Research, Outreach, Research Translation, and Training Cores; to insure timely review of progress in all aspects of the Center; to maintain an environment that promotes cross-discipline interactions among the projects and Cores.
  2. Fiscal Responsibilities: To monitor and review appropriate allocation of financial resources within the Center, and to reallocate funds as appropriate to promote the Center's overall objectives.
  3. To insure ongoing communication with NIEHS/SBRP associated staff, with the Principal Investigator being the primary point-of-contact.
  4. Seminars and Symposia: The Center's manager work closely with Dr. Ed Levin, PI of the Training Core, to organize the Core's weekly seminar series and semiannual symposia.
  5. The Center's manager work closely with SBRP funded students to insure that they are complying with University and Program guidelines.
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Last Reviewed: October 17, 2024