Superfund Research Program
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Richard T. Di Giulio
Grant Number: P42ES010356
Funding Period: 2000-2022
Project-Specific Links
Project Summary (2005-2011)
The Administrative Core provides a formal structure for oversight and planning of the Center's research and other activities, and provides for coordination among the research projects and between research and educational/outreach Cores. The Core is organized around the PI, and two committees, the External Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee. The objectives of the Administrative Core are as follows:
- Planning and Coordination: To monitor and maintain research progress and effective communication among investigators; to ensure exchange of information among the Functional Genomics Research, Outreach, Research Translation, and Training Cores; to insure timely review of progress in all aspects of the Center; to maintain an environment that promotes cross-discipline interactions among the projects and Cores.
- Fiscal Responsibilities: To monitor and review appropriate allocation of financial resources within the Center, and to reallocate funds as appropriate to promote the Center's overall objectives.
- To insure ongoing communication with NIEHS/SBRP associated staff, with the Principal Investigator being the primary point-of-contact.
- Seminars and Symposia: The Center's manager work closely with Dr. Ed Levin, PI of the Training Core, to organize the Core's weekly seminar series and semiannual symposia.
- The Center's manager work closely with SBRP funded students to insure that they are complying with University and Program guidelines.