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Texas A&M University

Superfund Research Program

Administrative and Research Translation Core

Project Leader: Ivan Rusyn
Grant Number: P42ES027704
Funding Period: 2022-2027
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Project Summary (2022-2027)

The Administrative and Research Translation Core is the central hub for all activities of the Texas A&M University Superfund Research Center. It is organized around three key functions that enable it to be an effective and nimble coordinator of the proposed research, outreach, training, and translation activities: (1) administration and fiscal management, (2) integration of cross-disciplinary disaster research response (DR2), and (3) outreach and research translation. This core is physically located in the Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. The core operates through regular center-wide and project-specific meetings, tracks the productivity of the center, develops future activities, and guides scientific innovation through a pilot project program. The core’s work is organized around five specific aims.

First, the core provides effective administrative and fiscal management with input from the Scientific Steering and External Advisory Committees. The core conducts program planning and evaluation and assessment of center performance. Second, the core enables integration of cross-disciplinary DR2 research through monthly meetings, annual retreats, and internal/external collaborations. The core issues annual calls for pilot projects, coordinates their review and oversees deliverables from each pilot project. Third, the core promotes dissemination of the center’s outputs to NIEHS and other stakeholders. Fourth, the core maintains and expands partnerships with government (local/state/Federal) agencies, non-governmental organizations, and community partners. It holds regular meetings with the end-users to showcase center’s work and conduct demonstration workshops. Finally, the core is advancing the practical application of center DR2 research through technology transfer. All center faculty, staff, and trainees interact with the core as it executes its administrative (overall and fiscal management, integration) and research translation (communication, outreach, technology transfer) functions.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025