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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Superfund Research Program

Research Translation Core

Project Leader: Bevin P. Engelward
Grant Number: P42ES027707
Funding Period: 2017-2022
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2017-2022)

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Superfund Research Program (MIT SRP) Center Research Translation Core (RTC) networks formally with other Superfund Research Program (SRP) Centers and with the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences SRP, enables partnerships with government agencies, supports facile transfer of innovative technology to end-users, and fosters bidirectional communications with their engagement partners. Stakeholders include citizens in their catchment areas, scientists in other peer SRP Centers (as well as their broader peer community), the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The overarching goal of the RTC is to contribute to the coordination of multi-laboratory research and technology development by fostering communication (through their website and newsletter), contributing to networking (through seminars, poster sessions and other activities), and supporting bidirectional communication with external stakeholders. The RTC also serves as a hub to connect engineers, scientists, and educators to a network of outstanding support provided by the Engagement and Translation Advisory Committee (ETAC). ETAC members include highly accomplished leadership in toxicology (academic and industry), public policy, online education, intellectual property, tribal health, and local community agencies. The wealth of expertise of this committee provides an invaluable launching pad for translational activities.

The RTC communicates within the MIT SRP Center, among SRP Centers, and with SRP staff at the NIEHS. The RTC is primarily responsible for providing support for investigator-initiated research translation plans. The RTC communicates regularly with scientists to ensure timely reporting of MIT SRP Center activities and accomplishments. To facilitate communication among SRP Centers, they also hold local events with seminars and networking for local SRP Centers, and have web-based resources that share technology, methods, curricula and best practices.

The RTC also establishes ongoing communication with the federal, state, local, and/or tribal agencies charged with protecting human health and the environment. The RTC leverages the exceptional experience of the ETAC to ensure that all MIT SRP Center researchers are well supported in their translational activities.

The RTC also provides opportunities and delineates mechanisms for the transfer of technologies to the hands of end-users. They also transfer the knowledge gained from the MIT SRP projects (scientific discoveries, research findings) beyond the government or marketplace, allowing MIT SRP outcomes to make a broad impact. The RTC leverages technology and knowledge that emanates from the MIT SRP Center to the broadest possible group of beneficiaries, including both those who are already vested in exposure biology/public health, and people in the broader community.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025