Superfund Research Program
Comprehensive Tools and Models for Addressing Exposure to Mixtures During Environmental Emergency-Related Contamination Events
Center Director: Ivan Rusyn
Grant Number: P42ES027704
Funding Period: 2017-2027
Program Links
Grant Recipient Patent List
- Development of Broad-Acting Sorbents to Mitigate Acute Exposures to Mixtures of Environmental Chemicals, Microbes, and Mycotoxins in Food, Water, and Feed Following Outbreaks, Natural Disasters
Number: 62/719,924 (application number)
Year: 2018
Patent Status: Expired
Authors: Phillips, T.D., M. Wang - Edible Enterosorbents used to Mitigate Acute Exposures to Ingestible Environmental Toxins Following Outbreaks, Natural Disasters and Emergencies
Number: 4833 TAMU18 PCT US 19-47356; TAMUS 4813 PCT
Year: 2019
Patent Status: Expired
Authors: Phillips, T.D., M. Wang - Edible Enterosorbents used to Mitigate Acute Exposures to Ingestible Environmental Toxins following Outbreaks, Natural Disasters and Emergencies
Number: 17-262734
Year: 2021
Patent Status: Pending
Authors: Phillips, T.D., M. Wang