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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Bevin P. Engelward
Co-Investigator: John M. Essigmann
Grant Number: P42ES027707
Funding Period: 2017-2022
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2017-2022)

The Administrative Core has the sole responsibility for oversight and management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Superfund Research Program (MIT SRP) Center. The Administrative Core is the hub for all MIT SRP Center enrichment activities and financial management, and it interacts closely with the Research Translation Core, which coordinates internal communication and communication with stakeholders.

The Administrative Core is responsible for coordinating the activities of the MIT SRP Center by providing an administrative framework and a resource infrastructure in support of the research activities for the Projects and the administrative activities for the Cores of the MIT SRP Center. The goals of this Core are to provide:

  • Grant management
  • Financial accounting for each of the projects and cores
  • Assistance with annual progress report submissions
  • Planning and organization of monthly meetings of the Internal Advisory Committee (IAC) and Projects and Cores meetings, and the planning and organization of annual meetings for the External Advisory Board (EAB)
  • Development, maintenance, and update of the new MIT SRP website
  • Communication and circulation of the MIT SRP news and enrichment events
  • Interaction channels among the Projects and Cores as well as dissemination of their research findings in a timely manner
  • A mechanism for a two-way dialog with other peer SRP Centers and with governmental and industrial groups who represent other professional stakeholders through its interaction with the Research Translation Core. Stakeholders include the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ATSDR), the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, as well as community advocacy groups and the general public.

The Administrative and Research Translation Cores have a strong relationship, which promotes engagement progress and a two-way exchange with stakeholders. The Administrative Core has a pivotal role in ensuring an effective overall strategy for the MIT SRP Center.

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