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University of California-Davis

Superfund Research Program

Bioanalytical and Statistics Core

Project Leader: Daniel J. Tancredi
Grant Number: P42ES004699
Funding Period: 2017-2023
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2017-2022)

The Bioanalytical and Statistics Core is a centralized resource comprised of eight investigators with complementary expertise and substantial collaborative experience in understanding the impact of hazardous environmental substances on human health. Along with the Analytical Chemistry Core, this Core shares the goal of detecting biomarkers of exposure to and effect of hazardous chemicals in humans and the environment. The Core’s purpose is to provide integrated, high-quality bioanalytical and statistical services to the University of California (UC) Davis Superfund Research Program (SRP) Center.

The bioanalysis component provides a broad suite of assays, developed from the past 25 years of SRP support, to assess the presence of hazardous chemicals and/or effects of these materials on selected biological pathways. This Core inherits mature bioanalytical methods from the Immunoassays for Human and Environmental Health Monitoring project. More than 25 immunoassays are available for various hazardous chemicals. Cell-based assays assess chemical interaction with a variety of receptors as biomarkers of effect. Most of these assays are already part of the EPA Tox21 screening program. Enzyme assays for specific pathways are also be provided by the Core. These bioanalytical methods are integral to the Optimizing Bioremediation for Risk Reduction Using Integrated Bioassay, Non-Target Analysis and Genomic Mining Techniques project as they aim to identify toxic samples of human or ecosystem health concern to the Community Engagement Core. The Optimizing Bioremediation for Risk Reduction Using Integrated Bioassay, Non-Target Analysis and Genomic Mining Techniques project and Analytical Chemistry Core identify toxic components of samples testing positive in bioanalysis methods, then immunoassays in this Core are transferred to the community to build their capacity to assess the occurrence of the identified toxicant to help them determine their exposures.

The Immunoassays for Human and Environmental Health Monitoring, Critical Role of Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress (MOS) in Chemical Induced Cardiac Toxicity, and Monitoring Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Caused by Chronic Exposure to Chemicals projects are developing methods for this Core and as such benefit from experience provided by Core personnel that will result in valid, robust tools for exposure assessment. This Core includes four PhD-level statisticians with substantial relevant experience in collaborative multidisciplinary research. These investigators have worked with the UC Davis SRP Center Projects and Cores to refine their proposals and to identify the research and educational activities requiring specialized statistical expertise. To facilitate effective, economical and continuous support, primary and secondary statistical consultants have been assigned to each Center Project or Core. Assignments were specified to promote an effective alignment of specialized statistical skills with the particular needs of individual Projects and Cores.

The Core’s quality assurance and management plans allow it to identify and respond to emerging opportunities or challenges confronting the Center, maximizing the reliability, utility and impact of the UC Davis SRP Center.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025