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Michigan State University

Superfund Research Program

Outreach Core

Project Leaders: Susan Masten, Thomas C. Voice
Grant Number: P42ES004911
Funding Period: 1995 - 2006

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Project Summary (2000-2006)

The objective of the Outreach Core is to significantly improve the abilities of citizens and communities to participate meaningfully in managing risks at Superfund sites. To do this, a collaborative effort between the MSU Institute for Environmental Toxicology (IET) and the Technical Outreach Services for Communities Program (TOSC) of the EPA Great Lakes/Mid-Atlantic Hazardous Substances Research Center, also housed at MSU, has been undertaken. The Core investigators work closely with citizens and communities to develop materials and approaches that greatly increase public access to the most current and unbiased information about the risks of environmental contaminants and the techniques available to minimize these risks. Such access is currently limited because relevant materials are often difficult to find either hard copy or web versions and, in many cases, do not exist. And available materials are generally not written at the comprehension level of most citizens. IET staff are focusing on the toxicological and risk assessment facets of this information and TOSC staff are addressing remediation and community relations issues. Specific areas of greatest need are based on a survey of TOSC coordinators. Citizens help to identify areas which may have been missed. The products are used by EPA and university staff in providing assistance at Superfund sites to improve citizen understanding and management of human health risks.

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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024