Superfund Research Program
Training Core
Project Leader: Timothy D. Phillips
Grant Number: P42ES004917
Funding Period: 1995-2008
Project-Specific Links
Project Summary (2000-2005)
The Training Core integrates students into the overall training program of the Interdisciplinary Faculty of Toxicology (IFT). Students attend and participate in regional and national meetings of the Society of Toxicology, the IFT weekly seminar program, other meetings sponsored by NIEHS - SBRP, College of Veterinary Medicine, Science Forum, University Graduate Research Conference, and the Annual Conference on Remediation and Risk Assessment of Complex Mixtures. The Training Core maximizes student trainee participation in these enrichment activities, coordinates election of a graduate trainee to the SBRP Internal Scientific Advisory Group, and promotes graduate student participation in meetings with EPA Region VI staff in Dallas.