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University of Louisville

Superfund Research Program

Research Experience and Training Coordination Core

Project Leader: David W. Hein
Co-Investigator: Daniel J. Conklin
Grant Number: P42ES023716
Funding Period: 2022-2027
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2022-2027)

The Research Experience and Training Coordination Core (RETCC) plays coordinating role in the success of University of Louisville Superfund Research Center. By working closely with other NIEHS-supported training programs at the University of Louisville (Environmental Health Sciences Training Program and the Summer Environmental Health Sciences Training Program), the RETCC develops a rich, diverse, and comprehensive training program that is both multidisciplinary and inclusive. In addition to the course work and ‘on the bench’ training activities, RETCC routinely organizes participatory field trips to the Lee’s Lane Superfund site to better understand and appreciate health concerns of residents in the adjacent community of Riverside Gardens; facilitates the meeting of trainees with regional Superfund site coordinators and officials and the Metro Louisville Public Health and Wellness Department.

Their training core organizes trips so trainees can attend meetings that include interactions with congressional leaders and their staff. Such activities are instrumental in the well-rounded growth of trainees. Moreover, these trainees not only provide “the force that turns the wheel” but also are the focus and hub of intellectual crosstalk and fertilization across projects, cores, other SRCs and the National SRP. To date, ULSRC success is the product of trainees’ successes through their many accomplishments including publications, presentations, awards, degrees, fellowships, interactions with community partners, and environmental health sciences-related career opportunities. The core strives to build on these successes by implementing innovative and unifying features into RETCC-directed activities that focus on fulfilling the goals and furthering the success of their trainees.

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Last Reviewed: October 02, 2024