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North Carolina State University

Superfund Research Program

Administrative Core

Project Leader: Carolyn J. Mattingly
Co-Investigator: Detlef Knappe
Grant Number: P42ES031009
Funding Period: 2020-2025
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

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Project Summary (2020-2025)

The Administrative Core is the central organizational entity of the Center for Environmental and Health Effects of PFAS. The goals of the Administrative Core are to ensure integration and efficient administrative and fiscal management of the Center to stimulate discovery-based knowledge and facilitate research translation that leads to improved protection of environmental and human health. The leadership team is purposefully composed of individuals with domain-specific expertise that reflects the biomedical and environmental science and engineering foci of the Center, as well as significant administrative experience and strong connections to government stakeholders to ensure effective and efficient management and research translation. An internal advisory committee (IAC) has a designated representative from each of the research projects, cores, and the community of Center trainees. This committee is the voice of the Center and works with the Administrative Core to facilitate and implement initiatives and develop content (e.g., community partner meetings, the annual retreat, transdisciplinary seminars) that ensure and strengthen communication and integration within and outside of the Center. In addition to providing planning and administrative support on a day-to-day basis, a dedicated Center Program Manager solicits information from all members and coordinates the development and dispersal of current and dynamic content for public facing communication mechanisms, such as the Center’s website and social media feeds. Research translation is a priority of the Center. The collective strength of existing partnerships with government stakeholders among the Center’s members is being leveraged, shared, and expanded according to clear timelines and development of Individualized Research Translation Plans by all Center members during the first year of funding and in coordination with the Center’s Research Translation Coordinator. Plans will be revisited bi-annually and will evolve as the Center and research programs progress . The Administrative Core works closely with the Community Engagement Core (CEC) and facilitates Center member involvement in a range of activities, including bimonthly community meetings throughout the impacted regions of priority, the Center’s annual retreat, reviewing CEC mini grants, and cultivating research collaborations with community partners and Fellows. Finally, the Administrative Core works with the Research Experience and Training Coordination Core to ensure integration of Center trainees with research projects and cores, development of nanocourses, scheduling of seminars embedded in transdisciplinary seminar series, and involvement of trainees in IAC meetings and the annual retreat. The Administrative Core provides the infrastructure and support to facilitate and continually evaluate and implement integration-cultivating measures and collaboration to reach the goals of the Center.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025